Ontario Soil Baseline Survey Analytical Data 1980 - 1981: Volume 1: Soil baseline program



Griffith, M. A.
Spires, T.
Barclay, P.

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Ontario Ministry of the Environment


The soil baseline program began in 1980 and is part of the Ministry of Environment's Acidic Precipitation in Ontario Study (A.P.I.O.S.). Over 300 locations were sampled in 1980 and 1981 throughout the province. Soil samples were analyzed at the Ministry's laboratory for pH, texture, iron, aluminum carbonates, major cations, anions and trace metals. A reliable, current and uniform data base for soils across Ontario now exists and is presented in Volumes 2 (Analytical Data for Southern Ontario) and 3 (Analytical Data for Northern Ontario) of this report. This data base is being used by A.P.I.O.S. researchers to design laboratory experiments which will define soil sensitivity criteria. Ultimately, a map will be produced which will show the relative sensitivities of Ontario soils to acidic deposition. Resampling baseline soil profiles over an extended period also provides a means of monitoring trends in soil chemistry due to environmental stress. This report is mainly a presentation of field and laboratory soil information (Volumes 2 and 3). The major objectives of the soil baseline program and methods used to sample soils are provided in Volume 1. In addition, the glacial history of Ontario, some theories of soil development, and the effect of acidic precipitation on soils are briefly outlined in Volume 1.



Archive of Agri-Environmental Programs in Ontario, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Other O.M.E. Environmental Reports, soil, soil sensivity, acidic precipitation, sensivity criteria, soil mapping, soil development, soil classification, soil forming environment

